Frequently asked questions.

Frequently asked questions.
What is included in my session fee?
The minimum session includes a photo shoot for your yearbook photo.
For American Heritage it also includes a brief session in your cap and gown, and one additional indoor scene in your casual clothes.
Prints, packages, albums, graduation announcements, and other products, as well as upgraded sessions are available at an additional charge.
Session fees are collected at the time of scheduling your photo shoot.
After your session, you will have a predetermined ordering path; online for minimum requirement sessions, Big Reveals for upgraded sessions.
Payment for prints, packages etc is due in full when your order is placed.
When is the best time to do my senior session?
All senior sessions must be done the summer BEFORE your senior year to be guaranteed your image will be in the yearbook.
For some it can be tempting to wait until the end of the summer; with that it can be frustrating to see all of your friends posting pictures when you are still waiting for your session. That feeling of being last starts to aggravate some.
Another disadvantage is that our turnaround time is longer near the end of the summer. We recommend scheduling as soon as it makes sense with your calendar.
Most people need about two weeks to prepare.
Can I just have all the digital images?
You will receive a digital copy of any image you purchase. Digital images are also available for purchase individually if you do not wish to purchase prints.
How do I prepare for my session?
Once your session is scheduled, decide which outfits you feel most comfortable in and which reflect your personality and be sure to show off what makes you unique.
If you’ve upgraded your session to allow for sports and hobbies, collect some props that could be fun to experiment with during the session.
Make sure to schedule a haircut in advance or get your nails done a few days before your session. Drink lots of water and get plenty of rest the night before. Arrive on time and stress free.
Do you have any tips on being photogenic?
We do!
Tips For Girls –
- Make Up – Although it is not necessary, some girls love getting their makeup professionally done. Camera ready makeup is not for everyone. Make sure you still feel like yourself. Go with your gut on this.
- Your Face – Oily skin is the enemy! Refresh with translucent powder just before your session.
- Don’t wear – lotion or make up with glitter in them. They will look like white spots on your skin. Eyeshadows and eyeliner should be neutral. Avoid pastels and frosted shades. Get a fresh tube of mascara so you don’t have clumps.
- Take care – of your lips before the photo shoot with plenty of water and moisturizer. Dry, chapped or cracked lips are not pretty and they are going to show.
- Jewelry – Don’t over do it. Stick with the classics. Your nails should be clean and manicured. We suggest you avoid dark, neon, or trendy nail polish. You might regret it later.
- Suntan lines – and sunburns are nearly impossible to “fix” or retouch. Don’t go tanning at least a week before your session. This includes the spray tan.. we can’t “fix” blotchy.
- Hair – Don’t use a lot of hairspray gel or other products. Your hair should move when you tilt your head. Don’t get a last minute hair cut or style change. Remember to bring a brush or comb.
- Clothing – If you feel great in or are known for it, then it’s perfect! Short skirts will limit your posing options. Wrinkles will show in your portraits. Make sure your clothes are pressed or ironed. Long sleeves, short sleeves or sleeveless? If you are concerned about the size of your upper arms then long sleeves will be best. Know that short sleeves visually cut the arms in two. Three quarter length is also a good option. This choice is a personal preference.
Tips for Guys –
- Your face – Have a clean (same day) shave, as close to your photo session appointment as possible. If you decide not to shave make sure it is cool with your parents.. it’s expensive to have us take out your 5:00 shadow. If your skin is breaking out, don’t worry, we have a man version of cover-up to diminish the effect and make the retouching more natural.
- Water – hydrate, hydrate, hydrate – it is great for your skin.
- Suntan lines – and sunburns are challenging to “fix” and still look natural and it’s expensive. Don’t get a lot of sun in the week leading up to your session. Raccoon eyes cannot be fixed and red noses are NEVER in fashion.
- Hair – Get your hair cut a few days before. Fresh “hair cut” doesn’t always look great. Don’t over use hair products, they can reflect the light. Make sure you do not do something last minute with your hair that your mom is going to strangle you for.
- Clothing – Bring a clean white T-Shirt or tank top to wear under your tuxedo shirt and jacket.
When do I get to see my pictures?
Clients who schedule just the required sessions will typically receive their online ordering galleries within 14 days of their session.
Clients who upgrade their session to a candid, lifestyle or elite session will typically be able to schedule their Big Reveal within 7 days of their session.
Picture yourself sitting comfortably in your own private screening room at the studio. The lights turn down and up on the giant screen in front of you appears an incredible image of YOU! Then another, and another, and another! Welcome to your Big Reveal. This is a huge part of the special experience Little’s is known for. Only available for select sessions. What else do you NEED to know about The Big Reveal?
This is a private experience for you and your family. It is led by a professional from our studio who is responsible for getting you through the overwhelm of all the great options in front of you. This is not a sales trap. This is a service we’ve developed to keep things simple and organized so that you can enjoy choosing what feels right for you. We think of it as a guided tour to maximize your experience. You will be expected to make your selections and place your full order at the time of this appointment. We do not break this service into two appointments. We also do not keep images on file that are not ordered during this appointment.
Do you need to prepare for this appointment? If you typically experience pressure or overwhelm when making decisions while shopping, we have a few best practices for you before you arrive for this appointment.
Do you need to prepare for this appointment? If you typically experience pressure or overwhelm when making decisions while shopping, we have a few best practices for you before you arrive for this appointment.
- Imagine that you fell in LOVE with a handful of images from this photo shoot. What would you do with them? Would there be a special place in your home where you would consider displaying one or two? Take advantage of our Room View Technology. (link) This is where you can preview the images in your home, on your walls, before you buy them! We know some people are on the fence about whether they would display wall portraits at home. This is a great chance to get off the fence and see for yourself if you like how it looks. All you have to do is follow three simple steps a few days BEFORE your Big Reveal to enjoy this special service. (see more about Room View Technology)
- Who would you really love to give a picture to? Make a list on your phone and bring it with you.
- Concerned about your budget? We understand. We highly suggest all the decision makers attend The Big Reveal ESPECIALLY if budget is a concern. It’s no fun to sit through this experience worrying about how you’re going to explain your decisions to someone else who didn’t hear all the details. It’s much more fun to arrive at a choice together.
- If circumstances prevent you or one of the decision makers in your family from returning to the studio for your Big Reveal, we do have the option of doing this through a Zoom session. Please inquire with us for this service.
How long does it take to get my pictures after I’ve ordered and paid for my pictures?
Turn around times may vary based on fluctuations in orders being placed. We operate on a first come first serve basis. In the beginning of the summer a 2 week turnaround time is typical (excluding albums which take more time). Near the end of the summer it could be as much as 6 weeks to complete your prints and products.
What do most people do with their senior pictures?
Lots of things! Of course there is the quick response of a boost of social media posts, graduation announcements, and yearbook images. Once that is gone, most people enjoy having something special in their home that feels like a special art piece or collection. Keepsake albums are also very popular. One day you may have a little child you love who would love to see what you were like back then.
If your order is not placed within 30 days, we can not guarantee they will be on file for you to purchase. We do not save any digital files once your order is fulfilled. Be sure to download your digital files to your computer as soon as you receive them!